Building Design
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My life's work as a competent and enthusiastic Building Designer since 1975 is mentioned with this page to allow coherence with the blog offered. The blog is attached to this page.
Primarily though, this paragraph is a link to what I trust you will find to be a helpful and engaging page --- separate from this one, but hopefully able to convince you to ring and discuss your upcoming building project with me.
Many thousands of successful projects have been commissioned and successfully completed over the years. My work ranges from smaller additions and alterations to very large homes, to commercial works, including Shops and Centres, Restaurants, Winery's, and all manner of commercial imagination. The passing years have served to make me a better Designer, able to listen and give my clients what they want. The 3D computer program I work with means that clients can see everything about their project before it is built. The documentation for the working drawings that goes with the 3D model are comprehensive and accurate. Over the years one learns the art of balancing tight budgets to achieve the best that is possible, in what is now a highly regulated world that sometimes needs a deft hand when negotiating through the approval processes.
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