Couple Counselling
Counselling or help sessions are offered for married couples or couples in a committed relationship. It can be difficult to know which way to turn when things are falling apart. Help in times like this is important and the involvement of a friendly third party on the side of your relationship is always a very useful thing to turn to.
The Prepare - Enrich structure is the starting point in the Couple counselling I do. I have been using Prepare for many years, and have had input to make it more suitable to work with couples from the Buddhist perspective. This inventory gives a great insight into where there are strengths and where there are areas that need to be strengthened. It also allows us to see our family conditioning quite clearly. This is important because it can often give clarity into problems that have become apparent since living together.
When we are sitting together, working with the results of the inventory, it provides an opportunity for very clear talking to develop insight into what is happening without the normal rancour and trouble that might usually happen. This clarity invariably leads to new way of seing the issues and problem we have and allows us to work and gain a better perspective.
My perspective is informed by my own Buddhist Practice, and I find this useful in working with couples to keep me close to the feelings that are being expressed, with enough perspective to keep me being useful as a change agent and as a friend of the couple.